Montag, 7. April 2008

PORT: Bravo 250 #

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Tokio Hotel - Emotions Reschuled
Was the biggest disappointment of the century. The german band cancelled the concert at Atlântico Pavillion and, we know now, and the band have to to a pause on their european tour. Everything because Bill have to do a surgery...

10:00h - Before the concert - On the morning rule the calm in the lisbon hotel where the band where host...
... really near we could see this four girls, fans of Tokio Hotel. And BRAVO's fans too!

18:00h - Still the smiles on their faces.
They couldn't dream what was about to come. Posters were done to the concert.
It seems that Bill is the favourite of this girl.
Photos from the band make part of her heart.

19:30h - Press Conference
The notice fall like a bomb and neather the promiss that they would come back in 29th June (before they will play on Rock in Rio, in 1/06) was sufficient to the tears didn't fall in the fans faces. A problem on the vocalist's troat was the reason of the concert cancelation (and the whole european tour) and it says that Bill will do a surgery to his vocal cords. But we expect the recuperation will be soon and it almost assured that the boys will come back in June. Bill, get well soon! ;-)
Tom - We feel terribly bad because we can't give this concert... We expect that our fans understand and forgive us.;
The two boys were really sad. Was the first time that cancelled a show.;
The mini-discourse were saying on the german language but the translator (on the left) translated everything.

20:00h - Shock!
The fans were disoladed when they hear the new... ate the pavillion exit, the fans gourps take together, in shock! The parents tryed to colsole the girls saying the they will come back. Was hard! Come back home without seeing the band make a lot of fans cry. They don't wanted to believe.

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