Montag, 5. Mai 2008

PORT: Bravo 252 #


Tokio Hotel - United by the tragedy
Just when you pass trought a bad situation you know with who you can count. Tokio Hotel proved that they are together, but just not on the glory moments. If there is a bad thing, if one for all and all for one!

While finish the rehabiliation and they almost come back to work (when this magazine will be delivered they will be also back in action), Bill think about this bad perioud of his life.

Bravo: Do you feel fear about everything that happens, Bill?
Bill: Very fear! Most when they told mw how would be the surgery and his consequences. I was lucky because I almost hadn't time to think about that.
Bravo: You pass all day long singing. How was to be in absolute silence?
Bill: Ufff! Was the worst! I neather could laugh. But everyone was patient with me. Tom give me a note book for write, because I couldn't speak.
Bravo: What gived you more strong?
Bill: The people, my brother, my parents, that were always by my side; Gustav, Georg, with their visits and mobile messages (amazing!) and, of course, the fans... I don't have word to express my thanks!

And how was for the other Tokio Hotels?
Fear, doubts... Bill's OP was a question mark on band's future!
Tom - Before, during and after the surgery, Bill's twin brother never separated himself and suffer in the first person every fears. But, Tom always was with his good humor, to animate bill. "When I cook, he always hate by food, but now, because he couldn't speak, he didn't could complaint!", say him laughing.

Gustav - "I feel a great admiration about Bill, about the courage that he proved have in this bad moment!", said the drummer. The TH's drummer, also like the rest of the band, see him compeling to have a forced holidays and take it to get new energies. "I think i never wanted more to back to the stages like now!", confess.

Georg - Bill and Georg have a great cumplicity (?): they are always saying "bad" things to each other. "I wanted to visited him but anyone let me, because Bill would laugh of beif he looked at me", sayd Georg with a smile. The bassist will use this pause to be at home with his parents, but he is missing the fans already; "Now what he need is Bill to become good again and everything will be like before".

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