Mittwoch, 23. April 2008

Bravo 18/08 #

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Translation by janasternenreise

Hallo, capital! The TH-twins Bill and Tom have one more apartment

Move to Berlin!
Will they have soon an apartment in every big city?
Bill and Tom ( both 18 ) move from Hamburg to the capital.
Reason: "The boys have many dates in Berlin and are sick and tired of living in hotels", band-manager David Jost explains. "But they will still have their apartment in Hamburg." Gustav and Georg don`t have decided yet, whether they will go to Berlin as well.
By the way: In the meantime Tokio Hotel become more and more famous in the USA. Now they even make music for a movie. For the horror-movie "Prom Night" (starts in Germany at 05.06.08) the makers selected "By your side".

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