Popcorn schreibt mal wieder Mist...
Popcorn writes bullshit once again...

What do the handwritings from the stars reavel Bill writes like Tom......and Tom writes like Bill Strange! Out of all people the tough, ubercool Tom has a typical girly handwriting and the fragile Bill that looks like a girl, writes like a macho! Tom’s handwriting is very neat and ordened, frequently and very readable, also many curves appear – that have Tom brings his letters to life, and it is typical for 15 year old schoolgirl. It is a nice female writing: decent, adjusted, harmonious and full of balance! From coolness our rebeliousness no trace can be found. Is Tom in his heart really a girl, is his macho attitude just a show? Yes, handwriting experts say! Tom is one that goes with the flow, doesn’t wanna ahve fights, that tries to compensate and goes by his instincts. Bill’s handwriting on the other hand goes in the direct opposite direction, it’s strong, explicit and outgoing. Bill is the communicative type, to who the responses from the outside are really important. He needs the feedback from others for his own ego, is addicted to it like a junkie. And Bill has ( in contrast to Tom ) many creativity and imagination. So female like as Bill looks, he really isn’t! He has a strong need for individuallity but is at the same time involved and doesn’t want to hurt the feelings of others. Fact: Bill is an exibitionistic show person, that needs the approval of others and follows his heart. Tom on the other hand stays on steady ground and doesn’t take a risk.

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