Sonntag, 28. Juni 2009
Samstag, 27. Juni 2009
Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2009
Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2009
Bravo 27/09 #
Translation by janasternereisen
Tokio Hotel
So hot they are as girls!
Na, are you familiar with these girls? Lip-piercing, eye shadow, almond eyes...
Correct! These are Bill (19), Tom (19), Gustav (20) and Georg(22) from Tokio Hotel.
A fan styled the boys with "Photoshop"-program and proved: The boys look also alright as girls!
Montag, 22. Juni 2009
Bild 21.06.09 #
In scan 1 you can read:
Here Tom Kaulitz (19) from Tokio Hotel and the American singer Chantelle (21) are cuddling in his Audi R8 at a parking lot in Hamburg and confirm the love-rumours.
Go in a hotel!
Whenever simple minds get the rare oportunity to watch other people how they fondle behind close car windows, they report afterwards with a smirk about their observation and like to embellish the following story with sticky phrases like "rush-hour", "peak-hour traffic", "traffic jam", etc.
If we look (and now also you) at the lightly blurred picture at the top of this site, we see two humans, who fondle behind a close carwindow tenderly, but we say of course nothing sticky, just something like "Hoppala".
Those among us (and among you), who are fans of the Magdeburger boygroup “Tokio Hotel” as well, are now additionally at the latest deeply impressed and shout, at least half-loudly, a “Donnerwetter” (= Wow! Damn!”) or “full-krass” or “geilo” (= “Awesome!”), depending on the age and socialization.
It is the first picture, that shows the Tokio-Hotelier Tom Kaulitz (19) clearly kissing with a woman.
This woman is Chantelle Paige (21), singer of the American band "Flypside" (current song: "When it was good").
Instead of flying back to Los Angeles after a performance in Stockholm, the former model comes to Hamburg for visiting Tom. For only 18 hours, spending 7 hours with guitarist Tom.
The kissing-protocoll, recorded to the best of one`s knowledge and belief and with the necessary caution:
Chantelle landed with flight SAS 2645 of the Scandinavian Airlines at Monday evening 7:15 pm at the airport Hamburg.
From there she drove to the city, checked in cost-consciously at the 3 stars "Suitehotel Hamburg City" near the central station.
Tom picked up her there with his silver-grey Audi R8 at 10 pm.
Both drove to the Elbe, visited together the Italian restaurant "La Vela", what means "The sail".
Then the couple "sailed" more, allowed themselves some drinks at the bar of the hotel "East" and returned to the hotel of the singer. Instead of disappearing in the hotelroom, Tom and Chantelle kissed each other nearly half an hour in his car until the windows got steamed up mercifully.
At 3 o`clock in the morning they finally "dropped anchor" at the hotel. Chantelle could really badly coordinate her high heels with the cobblestones.Tom proves also in this situation, that he`s a real Gentleboy, lays his arms around her and helps the stumbling back on the right way.
Two hours later Tom leaves the hotel, sits in his Audi, drives away.
Chantelle flys at 1:30 pm to London, from there to her home town Los Angeles.
There was already at June 3rd the first picture of Tom and Chantelle together, but that harmless/innocent, that the phrase "We are just friends..." could be believed.
Two weeks ago Chantelle said about her new gentleman: "Actually he is my dreamtype. But my friends warned me. I was told, he would pick up every weekend another one."
Now it sounds different: Before her flight back to LA Chantelle spread on the internet service Twitter: "Was dining yesterday evening and drove afterwards extremely fast about the German Autobahn (highway). It was sooo much fun. Fly soon back to California. Miss you!".
Back at home the next news about Tom were tweeted: " I wish, I had one more great night in Germany."
That`s for sure possible. But the next time you possibly better go in the hotel. Kissing at the frontseat feels for sure really special. But at the floor afterwards there comes even the roomwaiter....
Why do you never see Tom`s brother Bill kissing women?
Tom Kaulitz is the macho of “Tokio Hotel” – his twinbrother Bill is the complete opposite. He searches the big love, is still unkissed.
“That makes me so sad. I`m 19 now, and I miss that really completely. I really would like to have a girlfriend and share my life with her, who understands everything, what I`m doing”, he tells in an interview.
In internet-forums there is again and again the rumour, that Bill is gay.
Reason is often his androgyn look. What fits: Bill was just voted at place 30 of the most un-erotic women worldwide by readers of a men-magazine.
Sonntag, 21. Juni 2009
Bravo 26/09
"WIN! 10 handsignierte T-SHIRTS ZU GEWINNEN !
Wie cool ist das denn!? BRAVO verlost zehn stylische T-Shirts! Die coolen Teile wurden von den Tokio-Hotel-Jungs
für die Anti-Aids-Kampagne von H&M eigenhändig designt
und nur für dich signiert! Du willst unbedingt ein Shirt gewinnen ? Mach mit!
Der Gewinnspielcode lautet 02.
Die Teilnahmebedingungen findest Du auf Seite 61. Viel Glück !
Wer an einer Verlosung in unserem Heft mitmachen möchte, hat mehrere Möglichkeiten. Aber eines ist bei allen
Gewinnspielen gleich und megawichtig: Du musst unbedingt Deine Adresse und den jeweiligen Gewinnspielcode
Beisbiel 01] angeben! Aktions- und Einsendeschluss für Heft 26/2009 ist
der 23. Juni 2009. Der Rechtsweg ist audgeschlossen.
Schick eine ausreichend frankierte Postkarte mit dem jeweiligen Gewinnspielcode an:
BRAVO 26,Gewinnspiel
Postfach 20 03 40
80003 München
Ganz einfach! Schick eine SMS mit dem Keyword BRAVO [Leerzeichen] und dem zweistelligen Gewinnspielcode sowie
Deinem Namen und deiner Adresse an die 33339.
Oder ruf an! Wähl die WIN-Nummer. Wichtig: Anstelle der xx wählst DU den zweistelligen Gewinnspielcode:
0 13 78/00 14 15 xx"
Freitag, 19. Juni 2009
Dienstag, 16. Juni 2009
Montag, 15. Juni 2009
PORT: Bravo 271 #
translation by aninhas
"The image of the return"
"Just who isn’t fan of the band goes next to the differences.The 4 boys have released a photo that marks the return and let the fans with water in the mouth . The disc does come with a slight delay!"
"Everything is (well) prepared to receive them and they, of course, is dying to be (well) received!
Perhaps why they did matter to go forward now with the new image of the group, one that marks the return. Started by Bill, the blondes dreadlooks. It seems that the singer followed the example of his brother and started to attend the same hairdresser it. Goodbye to the lakes and the gel! And now Tom decided to opt for braids. A few weeks after having posed for this picture, he decided to change the look and when to see it back then with the braids. The changes on Gustav are evident. Cut more the hair, clarified it and now walks always with the glasses that only used at home and backstage.. And we not forget the Georg ... the hair is a little longer, but the big difference has to do with the weight, he lost 10kg. Wow! Athletic body! Now just wait for the launch of the disk, over to the Autumn. That passes quickly ... "
"Bill began to attend the same hairdresser that his brother, Tom."
"Gustav now use glasses and Georg lose 10 Kg. Ena, ena!"
Nothing new. Everything has been said in other magazines. And I don't think that Gustav has clarified the hair. -.- He already is so blonde!
Sorry if something is bad translated
Por Ti 227 #
Bill through the years
Here's a trip through the years to see how our Bill has gone from handsome to incredibly handsome. Wow!
Tokio Hotel
Tokio Hotel's lead singer has always been one to stand out because of his original look. He's unique!
Spikey Hair
When they started out, he had really short hair and he never cut it short again!
Straight Hair
In 2006 he started growing his hair
Wow! He shocked us with this look. Look at his flirtatious gaze!
(can't read it) I think it says something about how spectacular his hair looked when they came to Mexico.
If you had to choose, which of Bill's looks would you prefer? He just looks incredible no matter what! To think that it all began at that party where he dressed up as a vampire...That's when he decided that image would be key in his career, and that's why he impressed everyone back in 2005 when he made his debut with TH. Although his hair was short, his black eyeliner and asymmetrical haircut were really original.
In 2006 he started growing his hair and in 2007 he was already looking incredibly handsome with messy hair and golden highlights. OMG! But in 2008 the world got to know him with a shocking mane that he rocked up or down, wow!
A while ago he surprised us again with dreads! And wait 'til you see what surprises he holds in store for us when Tokio Hotel's new CD is released! There is no one like Bill!
Samstag, 13. Juni 2009
Freitag, 12. Juni 2009
Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2009
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