Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2008

Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2008

Bravo Nr. 45 #

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Beauty mania for Bill from Tokio Hotel!
He hates his teeth, so he lets them renew from a Beauty-Doc...

Stars in beauty delusion - the Next please: Bill Kaulitz (19) has got his dream smile tinkered. After a visit at a beauty Doc the Tokio Hotel singer showed up at the MTV Latin Awards in Mexico with suddenly straight and shiny white teeth. What a contrast to earlier! The teeth were always Bills vulnerability - at least he thought this himself. Although millions of fans loved his smile, Bill tried to avoid a broad smile at Photo shoots. The reason: His "rabbit teeth," as he called them himself, he doesn’t like them.

Now the big International career can come - and Tokio-Bill has apparently been affected by his Showbiz-Colleagues. So the boy from Loitsche, near Magdeburg, went to a Hollywood Beauty-Doc. And we speak of a full-renewal: His front and canine teeth were aligned and polished. Some rumours say, that he even decided for a so-called "Ortho-Veneering". At this method a thin ceramic bowl is applied to each tooth, which gives them a perfect shape and color.

Estimated costs for such a treatment: at least 32.000, - €! Woah!
An expensive smile, which is obviously paying off: Bill recently beams with his band colleagues Tom (19), Gustav (20) and Georg (21), and doesn’t have to be careful anymore to keep his mouth closed when he smiles!
What do you say about Bill new teeth - and what else could he change on himself?
Write your thoughts to: Bravo, Keyword: Bill, PO Box 20 03 40, 80003 Munich or write a mail to ...

Before: Bills face, the shape of his teeth was irregular and wrong

Now: Recently, Bill doesn’t have his "rabbit teeth" anymore. Instead, the teeth are even and straight...

Band Update: After their success at the Video Music Awards Gustav, Bill, Tom and George won the next price: the MTV Latin Music Award.
And because their international career works so good, Tokio Hotel are currently recording a Christmas Special for the US-Television

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Who is the woman at Gustavs side?
A new girlfriend? When the Tokio Hotel Drummer was shopping in L.A you could see him with this unknown woman on his side. It’s all false alarm: Gustav is still a happy single. The "Unknown" is Sarah Ostermann and she’s not Gustavs girlfriend. She is a product manager at Universal - the record label of Tokio Hotel.

Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2008

Montag, 27. Oktober 2008

Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2008

Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008

Port ti 210

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Top Girls 11/08 #

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Translation by evelyn

Bill gossiped

Frontman Tokio Hotel had blunder already in school: one day Bill Kaulitz (19) gossiped with his friend teacher of german class. „She absolutely doesn’t know what is going on,“ said Bill. But he didn’t know she is right behind him. She got angry and let Bill sit in school to the sunset!

Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2008

Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008